Tag: results

  • HCRA Clublog Challenge 2017 – Results

    HCRA encourages its members to get on the air. Every year we host a “Clublog challenge” where members can compete with each other to see who can make the most contacts throughout the year. HCRA and its members use the clublog.org service as a way to keep track of contacts. Members just upload their logs…

  • Election Results

    At HCRA’s June 2017 meeting, the members in attendance has voted in the 2017-2018 board of directors. Your directors are as follows [table] Position,Photo,Name,Callsign President,,David Fant,WM1B Vice-President,OPEN,OPEN, Treasurer,,Juergen Malner,NV1Q Secretary,,Harold Woering,W1FTP Newsletter, ,Gary Fields,W1MOW At Large, ,Karl Krassler,KB1RXO Membership,,John  Plaster,K1VOI Program,,Larry Krainson,W1AST, Technical,,Robert  Meneguzzo,K1YO, [/table] There is still a position available, if you have any interest…