Tag: qrp

  • DX Bulletin 43

    This week’s bulletin was made possible with information provided by NC1L, W3UR, QRZ DX, The Weekly DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all. ZAMBIA, 9J.  Gert, ZS6AYU is QRV as 9J2GR from the Mama Out…

  • DX Bulletin 42

    ARLD042 DX news This week’s bulletin was made possible with information provided by NC1L, W3UR, QRZ DX, The Weekly DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all. RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B9.  A group of operators will be…

  • SOTA jerks are on the road again

    (In a deep loud voice) SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY September 30th 2012 the jerks are heading out to a place unactivated.  That’s right,  We are heading to Burley Hill W1/MR-002.  Showtime will be 1600Z.  Modes CW, FM, SSB, and new to this activation PSK31.  Frequencies 7.034, 14.061 CW 7.190, 21.333, 14.3425 SSB depending on propagation, look…

  • KX3 from PEI

    Yesterday I has the chance to set up the KX3 while vacationing on Prince Edward Island. Unfortunately the weather was not great but I managed to get an end fed wirestrung between two small pines and down to the deck. I heard a few summits but they couldn’t hear the little KX3 on the EFW.…