Tag: Clublog

  • HCRA Clublog Challenge 2017 – Results

    HCRA encourages its members to get on the air. Every year we host a “Clublog challenge” where members can compete with each other to see who can make the most contacts throughout the year. HCRA and its members use the clublog.org service as a way to keep track of contacts. Members just upload their logs…

  • HCRA Clublog Challenge 2016 Winners Are In

    HCRA like to encourage on air activity from our members. We compete in a few contests and challenges every year. This year HCRA participated in the “Clublog Challenge”. The goal was to make as many contacts with as many countries or entities throughout the year. At the end of the year, we would tally up…

  • HCRA Is Now On Club Log

    HCRA is now listed as a club on ClubLog.org. This allows HCRA members who use clublog to see how they rank against other HCRA members in DXCC standings. HCRA could also compete with other clubs. This could create friendly competition  within the club as well as with other clubs. It can also benefit knowing that if…

  • Z60K/Kosovo – Possible new DXCC Country

    There’s a new kid on the block, Z60K. They went QRV a few days ago and have been very active on the bands. Although not ‘yet’ accepted by ARRL as a DXCC entity the scuttlebutt is they will most likely be approved once the IARU issues a prefix. So what to do until then –…