Author: KK1W

  • Yes, Swap & Sell will be at Show & Tell!

      Here’s a chance to make money on your project. After you win one of the prizes put your hand crafted watchamcallit’ on the swap table and go home with to cash along with your prize 🙂 Or maybe find something on the table for your next creation? Once again the Swap & Sell table…

  • Field Day Aerial Video

    I’ve published a short video clip of our towers and antennas as seen from above. Nothing fancy but fun to look at, whether or not your were at Field Day. Field Day Aerial Video Enjoy, see you next year at FD 2015! Jim

  • WRTC 2014 Results and HCRA/WRTC Trivia

    The scores are out! They can be found on the WRTC2104 web page. But here’s the really cool stuff. We hosted four teams at Medfield State Hospital. Medfield was site 8 and the stations were 8A through 8D. Here’s the results from ‘our’ teams: 8A: K1M – IK1JHS & I4UFH – Won the SSB mode,…

  • Adding Wifi to a KX3

    Wifi inside a KX3 While browsing info on the ‘Piglet’ on Nick Garner’s Pignology web site the thought struck me, I wonder if I could install a version of the Piglet inside my KX3. I built my KX3 from a kit and never installed the battery holders or the internal charger. I’ve always operated the…

  • WRTC payments due this month!

    The following people have balances due for WRTC purchases. If you’re planning on coming to this Friday’ meeting please see Dave or myself to pay off your balance. If not a check sent to our PO Box ASAP would be greatly appreciated. Mark/KB1SO – $456.00 Eric/W1MOR – $141.75 Dave/AA1YW – $175.00 Marty/W1MJB – $680.00 Dave/WN1E…

  • Election Slate for 2014/2015 Announced!

    All HCRA board members would like to extend a big “Thank You” to everyone that turned out for last night’s meeting and volunteered your skills and time to keep HCRA rolling along both now and in the future. It was refreshing to see long time and new members willing to add their skills to the…

  • HCRA Inventory Reduction Sale!

    It’s spring cleaning time in the HCRA Field Day trailer. We need to make room for the new equipment coming our way from the WRTC stations later this year. So….. Offered to HCRA members only at an unbelievable price are two (yes two!) 15 meter mono-band HF Yagi antennas. Both antennas are used but in…

  • Treasurer’s Report – March 11, 2014

    Income: WRTC: $290.25 Dues:  $45.00 FT857 Raffle: $860.00 Hamfest Sales: $61.21 Total Income: $1256.46 Expenses None:  $00.00 Total Expenses: $00.00 Starting Balance: $8410.49 Ending Balance: $9666.49 Net Income from FT857 Raffle: $910.00 Note: WRTC has a payable of $4000 by June 1st (balance on WRTC station purchases)

  • Board Meeting Minutes – March 11, 2014

    HCRA Board of Directors Meeting March 11th, 2014  Location: West Springfield, MA. The meeting was called to order at 7:13PM Present: KK1W, KB1NWH, AA1YW, N1FJ, N1KXR, W1MSW OFFICER REPORTS Vice President – KB1NWH More antenna installation with Eric/W1MOR Treasurer – AA1YW Current financial report: $9666.49 Status of WRTC Sales: $5713.00 sold to date Status of…

  • Thanks to everyone that stopped by our table at the MTARA hamfest today!

    A fun day at the hamfest. Thanks to everyone that stopped by to say hello, purchase some raffle tickets, join the club, pick up a few bargains and more. It was nice seeing many faces we had not seen since last year too! Congratulations to Frandy/N1FJ – winner of the Yeasu FT-857. I checked, it…