September 10, 2015

HCRA Board Meeting September 10, 2015
Harold (N1FTP) Gary (WA1MOW) Jeff (NT1K) Bob (K1Y0) John (K1VOI) Juergen (NV1Q) Dave (WM1B) Larry (W1AST)

President summarized the activities. Still looking for a Web Master
Vice President Harold Woering was introduced and had no additional comments

Treasurer indicated he had the bank account and the electronic banking straightened out. Balance of $7, 090.67 which includes $410 dues and $202.93 in pay Pal Dues.

Gary questioned why the Financial Report was not presented to the Board. Larry (W1AST) moved that an annual report be prepared for the June meeting . Seconded by John (K1VOI) Passed

Secretary: All reports due have been submitted

Membership: At the September meeting 47 renewals 6 family and 2 probationary 39 paid.

At Large Eric (W1MOR): Absent no report

ZB Editor (WA1MOW): Handed out a sheet of HCRA Meetings and Zero Beat Dates. Also he submitted a list of information that he would like from the board.

Tech (K1YO) Nothing to report

Program (W1AST): Next month speaker is Steve (WA1ZEV) presenting a Talk on Digital Mobile Radio. Currently there are three open months. Show and Tell in April to be advertised and promoted in Zero Beat A prize to be given. Actual prize will be determined at the next BOD meeting. Possible SKYPE meeting with a famous person. EM ideas to Larry – he will pursue.


Holiday Party: Tickets must be printed and ready for the October meeting. Date December 7th. Menu Chicken Marsala and Broiled Haddock, Roasted Red Bliss Potato. Cost $20 per person club to pick up rest. Door Prize: Limit to three. Possible Gift cards Review and finalize at next BOD meeting.

Welcome Package: Jeff published a sample =first draft and requested the board to review and get comments back to him. Target date End of Year.

Open Stub J-Pole Antenna Project: Gary has the connectors. Jeff has put the project on hold due to work schedule. Gary will help as material becomes available.

HCRA Facebook: Larry moved and many seconded to make the HCRA Facebook group” closed”. Passed.

Radio Class: Conversation with Amherst to do a public class before the end of the year in Amherst and an additional class at HMC for the local people. Will be a three session and home study prior to the class followed by VEC session.


Checks to Agawam Parks & Rec and HMS $250 each Moved by Bob (K1YO) seconded by Larry(W1AST) passed.

Membership DB: Secretary: Moved that Membership be handled by Membership Chair. Approved

Membership Chair was also appointed as the administrator on the Reflector.

Juergen (NV1Q) indicated that Dave (KB1MU) had turned over the achieves to him and that he was going through them. Jeff (NT1K) indicated that he would take responsibility to store the achieves when Juergen was completed with them.

Gary (WA1MOW) suggested that we have a Saturday AM class for new hams to provide specific information on different subjects.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM

David Fant/WM1B


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